My name is Haein Jeong. I studied nutrition and art history at university. One thing I remember from what I’ve learned is that good food is the one that tastes good.

I create art that catches those
freewheeling moments in everyday life with a bit of humor. I notice the freedom in the ordinary and add a splash of imagination to finish the piece. My goal is to share joy and some laughs through these illustrations, giving people a brief escape from life's complex issues. They are fun, colorful, and sometimes mystical. 

Seoul, South Korea.

Say Hi!

insta / vimeo / giphy

Clients Include:

Samsung Galaxy, The New York Times, Snapchat, Verge, HYBE weverse magazine, Impala Skate, 
Amnesty International Korea, Medium, Woolim Entertainment, BigHit Entertainment


Create! Magazine
Girlsclub Asia
Osso Magazine
CA Magazine #255, #256
Impala Skate


2022 3x3 international illustration annual no. 19, Honorable Mention

Exhibition / Fair

2023 Oct, OOP Fest, Provoke Seoul
2022 Nov, Taipei Artbook Fair, Huashan 1914 Creative Park
2022 Oct, Bincan Drawinging, Insa 1010
2022 May, Beautiful Mint Life ‘Digging the taste’, Olympic Park
2021 Dec, Seoul Publisher’s Table, D-Museum
2020 Jul, <Poster Factory> group exhibition, 9nd Bunker
2018 Nov, <Blind Poster> group exhibition, Seodaemun Yeogwan
2018 Aug, <Firefly> group exhibition, Leesoo Gallery
2018 Jul, Seoul Illustration Fair